Electrical Test and Tag

At Rotric we offer reliable and experienced inspecting and testing services for electrical equipment. This important Work Health and Safety requirement is a standard to help ensure that equipment is electrically safe.
The process has been proven to minimise the risk of injury and death through electrical shock in the workplace, as it identifies many electrical safety issues before an injury ever occurs.
What's involved with Testing and Tagging electrical equipment?
Upon attending the site, an electrician will first give all equipment a visual inspection. Assuming all equipment passes this pre-test, it will then be plugged into the testing device and run through a number of tests. If the equipment passes all testing here, then the device will print a label which is fixed to the lead. The equipment is then ready for active use.
If the equipment fails testing, the device will print a label indicating the failure. The equipment must be quarantined until it is repaired and retested or replaced. Once all testing is complete, a report is compiled and presented to the client. Additionally, any equipment that is supplied through a socket outlet must be tested according to a designated testing interval, mentioned below.
Legal/compliance requirements
Why is getting electrical equipment tested so important? Electrical testing is actually required under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017, Regulation 150, which reads:
“A person conducting a business or undertaking at a workplace must ensure that electrical equipment is regularly tested by a competent person.” The licensed person in this case is a licensed electrician.
Should a company fail to comply to their legal requirements with respect to Test and Tag they can face a maximum fine of $18,000.
Test and Tag frequency guide
The type of environment and the equipment being tested determines how often testing must occur. To ensure that a business is fully compliant with WHS Legislation, all electrical appliances must be tested and tagged in accordance with the following intervals.
- Environment where the equipment or supply cord is NOT subject to flexing in normal us OR open to abuse and is NOT in a hostile environment. Example – Computer plugged in under a desk.
Every 5 years - Environment where the equipment or supply flexible cord is subject to flexing in normal us OR open to abuse or in a hostile environment. Example – Toaster in the office kitchen. Every 12 months
- Factories, workshops, places of manufacture, assembly, maintenance or fabrication Example – Power Tools on a workbench. Every 6 months
- Equipment used for Commercial cleaning Example – Commercial Vacuum Cleaner. Every 6 months
- Hire equipment Example – Kennards Wet Vac. Prior to hire and then every 3 months
- Repaired, serviced and second-hand equipment Example – Used appliance purchased on Gumtree. After repair/service or on reintroduction to service
Let’s talk about your next project
Contact our friendly team at Rotric for your obligation free quote.